Filtering Attendance Summary Data

Have lots of call-offs but only want to view them for a specific site or team? Apply filters to the Attendance Summary to view only what you need to see.

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Attendance Overview

Your Dashboard will show you all of the statuses that are active for your selections. This is a great way to get a quick overview of your business.

Filter by Divisions

Have Admin access for your whole company, but you need a quick view of a subset of Divisions? No problem, you can easily select just the locations you need to see!


Filter by Date

By default the Attendance tab shows the Events for the current date, but if you click through, you can choose any other dates and view historical records or future requests!


Filter by Status

It can also be helpful to know which people are out under a certain status. Doing so is easy, just click on the Status you want to see more of!

Once you've clicked on a Status from the main Attendance tab, you'll be shown a list in the Employees tab of everyone with that Status for today.