Introduction to Roles

Every individual in TeamSense has a role that defines what features and data they have access to, as well as the level of access.

Roles in TeamSense


Company Administrator

A Company Administrator is the highest level of access in TeamSense. Company Administrators have access to all features in their company's plan, and can view and edit employee information for all company employees. 

Division Administrator

In TeamSense, companies with more than one location are organized by divisions, where each division represents a location. A Division Administrator has access to all features in their company's plan, but the scope of data they can view and edit is limited to data for a specified sub-set of the company's divisions.

Team Leader

If an individual has direct reports in TeamSense, they are automatically assigned a Team Leader role. Team Leaders can view absences, including the specifics of employee call-off responses (though Team Leader access to call-off responses can be toggled off for a company if so desired). Team Leaders also can view and edit employee demographic data (name, contact information, language preferences, timezone, notification preferences).
By default, a Team Leader's scope of access is limited to their direct and subsidiary reports (i.e., everyone below them in their reporting chain), but it is also possible to give Team Leaders access to other managers' direct reports. This can be useful if you have managers who act as backups for one another.


The most basic level of access in TeamSense is Employee. An Employee can submit absences or forms for themselves, access the self-service employee portal, and receive messages sent via TeamSense. They have no access to any data about employees other than themselves.