Attendance Insights FAQs

Why do we use percentages on the Attendance Insights page and how are they calculated?

We understand that it is crucial to identify trends over time when comparing data for your organization’s absences. For this reason, we provide percentages alongside raw absence numbers so that you can compare data over time, even if the amount of employees in your organization changes. We calculate these percentages as follows:

(number of absence days in a time period) / (sum of your workforce’s daily head count for all days in that time period)

For example: If your organization had 1,000 one-day absences in the month of March and over the month of March you had an average of 2,000 employees per day, we would calculate your absence percentage as:

(1,000 absences in March) / (2,000 employees per day * 30 days in March) = 0.0167 = 1.7%


Is this the same as “absenteeism rate”?

Not quite, but it's close! TeamSense’s absence percentage is based on the number of employees that are active in TeamSense for your organization within a time period instead of a percentage based on the available work days within a time period. Compare our calculation to the official definition for absenteeism rate:

(number of absent days in a time period) / (sum of available workdays in time period)

Comparing that to our example above: If your organization had 1,000 absent days in the month of March and over the month of March you had an average of 2,000 employees, and each employee was expected to work 21 days in the month of March, your absenteeism rate would be:

(1,000 absent days) / (~2k employees * 21 days in March) = 0.0238 = 2.4% absenteeism rate


Does TeamSense include late arrivals, partial absences, and paid-time-off in the calculations?

Yes. All of your organization’s “attendance events” are included in our attendance percentages, regardless of the type of event or status. If you would like to see how your absences compare excluding partial absences, holidays, PTO, or any of your other event statuses, you can exclude them using the page’s “Status” filter. This way, you have full control into the visibility of your organization’s absences and are better able to identify trends in your attendance data.


Does the Perfect Attendance card include all statuses?

Yes! If there are any statuses that you do not consider when calculating perfect attendance for your employees, this list will be updated to reflect any status filters applied.
For example, say your organization shows 10 employees maintaining perfect attendance. This is factoring in all your available event statuses. You know that one of your employees had Jury Duty last week, causing them to miss work, but you don't think that should count against their perfect attendance. You can select "Jury Duty" from the status filter so that those status events are not included. Your perfect attendance count would now show 11!

What is the cutoff point for data each day?

Each day is represented by a 24 hour period beginning at approximately 12:00AM PDT (7AM UTC). In rare instances, the data on the Attendance Insights page might be slightly different than the data on your Attendance Summary page, since Attendance Summary data shows in your time zone, while the Attendance Insights page does not.


Why doesn't a number on my Attendance Summary page match the number on the Attendance Insights page?

You might notice some instances where minor discrepancies exist between historic data on the Attendance Summary page and the data you see on the Attendance Insights page. This is due to the design of the Insights page, which calculates historic data in a different way. The Insights page bases calculations off the number of employees at the time of the attendance events, whether they are active with your company now, or not. The Summary page, however, does not include any employees who have been deactivated.

We will be updating the Summary page to include attendance events from deactivated employees shortly, at which point the two pages will be identical. Stay tuned!

Can I submit ideas for new charts, cards, and filters?

We would love to hear any feedback you have on our current Attendance Insights or ideas for new ways to visualize your data! Feel free to reach out to us at

How is the percentage in the Comparison card calculated?

This card changes based on time filters. If you have your filter set to “Last 30 Days”, this card will compare your last 30 days of data to the previous 30 days of data. If your filter is set to “Last 12 Weeks”, the card will compare your last 12 weeks of data to the 12 weeks of data prior. If your filter is set to “Last 12 Months”, the card will compare your last 12 months of data to the 12 months of data prior.